

There are many different uniforms for the Navy so in this post I will explore the meaning behind the Dress Blues,  New Service Uniform and Navy Working Uniform.

Navy Dress Blues
The Navy Dress Blues are a very dark navy blue with gold cuffs and a white undershirt. The dark navy blue is associated with intelligence, stability, unity, and conservatism. Gold is powerful and strong and the white undershirt is neutral, making the uniform very formal and clean.

Navy New Service Uniform
The New Service Uniform has a khaki shirt with black pants.  Both the khaki and the black are neutrals, these uniforms are for everyday wear in offices and for day to day work.  The neutrals simple, for simple times in the classroom and at work.

The Navy Working Uniform

The working uniform is a digital 'camo' print similar to those adopted by other services.  The print is predominantly blue with some grey.  The colors represent those used by the Navy most frequently because they are constantly on water.  The colors are simply there to blend in with the background.

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